Live Worms


Live Worms

Worms for Fishing or Compost Bin

Worms for Fishing
Dendrobaena worms are the most popular worm for fishing. Tough, lively and particularly tasty to fish.
They are a hardy worm, lively, wriggle well and can survive in cold water for long periods, and so ideal for fishing in any season.
They have a yellow striped tail which is a great attraction to large Salmon.
They are also perfect for course fishing.

Worms for Composting
The Dendrobaena is also the top composting worm as they can devour up to half their body weight per day and are prolific breeders and so ideal for home wormeries.
Composting fruit & veg scraps from the kitchen is a great way of reducing valuable landfill space and the compost produced by the worms is great for your garden.

Worms for Wildlife
Dendrobaena worms are perfect for use as feed for birds and wildlife.
By introducing live worms you will attract birds like Blackbirds, Robins, Thrushes who can’t use feeders and help to increase their breeding success. Hedgehogs also have a great fondness for worms and by encouraging them you will also help to eradicate any problems with slugs.

Worms available in small clip top tubs with breath holes (making them safe and non spill during transport)

€4.00 for one tub (approximately 20 worms per tub)….

1/2kg bag   (250 worms approx)      €28
1 kg Bag     (500 worms approx)      €48

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One Tub (20 worms), Two Tubs (40 worms), 1/2 kg (250 worms), 1 kg (500 worms)