The Merger Duo NXP50 provides users with the detection capabilities of a powerful thermal imaging device and the identification capabilities of a fully-fledged digital night vision device. Plus, with combined viewing mode and Picture-in-Picture, users can even evaluate the terrain around them via the digital night vision channel whilst identifying an observed animal’s anatomical features through the thermal channel.
The Merger Duo supports several observation modes. The thermal image mode is used for animal detection and observation in any weather conditions, while digital image mode maintains improved target-identification capability in Full-HD resolution. The “Picture-in-Picture” function makes it possible to simultaneously display images from both optical channels, prioritising the thermal or digital image.
Highly sensitive 640×480 pixel @ 17 µm thermal imaging sensor with NETD <25mK ensures stunning thermal image quality and perfect detail recognition even in the hardest weather conditions, when thermal contrast is low. The smallest temperature differences will be clearly visible during the rainfall, fog or cold mornings, in the most difficult conditions for thermal imager.
The image generated by the Merger Duo NXP50 digital night channel features high definition and high-quality detail processing. Silhouettes, anatomical differences, behavioral peculiarities – HD-resolution electronics display the trophy qualities of an animal, giving the hunter the information needed for good decision-making on a shot.
The Merger Duo NXP50 comes with an attachable invisible 940 nm IR illuminator with adjustable spot positioning. It increases the image detail in the digital channel during a pitch-black night.
Use the brightness and contrast adjustments to maximise the detail and informative value of the image in specific observation conditions. The User Mode function saves selected brightness and contrast settings in the device’s memory providing optimal image quality for the next use of the thermal imager immediately, with no additional adjustments needed.