Live Wax Worms
Wax Worms Live
Waxworms are a soft, juicy, and plump treat that animals just love (we call them the vanilla cake of feeders).
Reptiles and birds alike devour the creamy fat bodied worms and they are very digestible.
Fishermen use them for perch, bass, and really great for Trout ! Some fishermen swear they are better than normal worms !
Let the waxworms pupate into moths for a treat that will make your reptiles go crazy! They love to chase them.
Waxworms will last one to two weeks at room temperature. They can be kept cool in a fridge, where they become dormant and will last up to 8 weeks. They are ideally kept in a wine cooler, butter tray in the refrigerator, or in a celler. They must be stored in low humidity. If the bedding feels moist when they arrive, leave the lids off to let them dry out.
Daily remove any dead worms (they will be black) and remove the cocoons of any that are spinning one.
They come in a small pot with Clip Top Lid for safe storage (approx 30 wax worms per pot)